A sneak peak into some of our workshops for 2024


Grounding Movement: Theresa Elwell's 5 Elements Journey 

Join Theresa Elwell for a grounding movement experience that transcends the physical and connects you with the essence of your being. In this session, Theresa guides you through movements designed to root you in the present moment, fostering a sense of stability and connection. Whether you're a seasoned mover or exploring embodiment for the first time, Theresa's expertise creates a space where body and soul dance in harmony. Immerse yourself in the transformative flow of Grounding Movement with Theresa Elwell.

Sound Alchemy Soul Portal: Journey from Chronos to Kairos

Step through a soulful portal of restorative sound to reconnect with your brightest light in your core — your true north or inner compass — ready to illuminate your path. We connect you with your body's healing intelligence so you can heal in your own way, in your own time. Using the power of resonance, Astara and Orion invite you into deeper states of being to heal you in every dimension of your being: mind, body, and soul. Using the star codes from her book How the Stars Tell Time, Astara will guide you into the time machine in your heart — your inner star gate.

Cracking Narcissism
Akil Apollo Davis (1:30 - 2:30) 


To explore and address the concept of narcissism, particularly spiritual narcissism, using insights from Alexander Lowen’s psychology. This lecture will help participants recognize and transcend their narcissistic tendencies to uncover their true selves.


Narcissism, often seen as mere self-centeredness, is actually the denial of one’s true self in favor of an image. By understanding how societal and cultural conditioning shape our personas, participants will learn to confront and dismantle their narcissistic facades. The lecture will provide practical insights into grounding oneself with willpower and embracing compassion to allow genuine self-expression. Addressing spiritual narcissism, we will explore how to foster authentic personal growth and genuine connections. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of their true selves and tools to overcome the limitations of narcissism.

Cosmic Cacao Ceremony

Kumiko will lead us through a cacao ceremony around the sacred fire. She will share a variety of cacao that comes from the Siekopai people in the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest. Accompanied by her partner Jimmy from the Siekopai, who offers prayers as we open our hearts to the medicine. They guide us through the cosmovision of cacao accompanied by music.

Breathing Intuit (In-to-it!)
Finnian Kelly & Shaboomi

In this session Finnian and Shaboomi will guide you on an expansive human experience using the power of the breath to embark on a journey into the depths of your subconscious and come out the other end feeling lighter, happier, connected, and inspired!

Using a combination of meditation, visualization and energetic clearing, you will experience what it is like to recode your mind and realize your power. By accessing your very own superpower of your breath,you will open yourself up to a new sense of freedom and possibility by tapping into this infinite source to find your original blueprint and what you’ve been searching for. 

Burn It Away: A Sacred Fire Cleansing 

Facilitated by Sitora Yusufiy & Naomi Rey Appel

"Join us in sacred ceremony as we honor the Spirit of Fire with offerings of tobacco, cedar, song, and dance. Let the flames purify painful emotions, guilt, and ego identities that blur the connection to self. Your shadows and fears are welcome — give it to the flames.  From destruction comes creation, and just as the phoenix must burn to emerge, together we dance from death to rebirth and embrace a renewed sense of purpose for ourselves and the collective."


Buddhist Monks Ritual

Experience the divine as Buddhist Monks guide us through the Tara Ritual. Immerse yourself in the sacred vibrations of ancient chants, symbolic gestures, and spiritual purification. This profound ritual, led by the monks, is a journey of transcendence, inviting you to release the old and welcome the new. Join us for a transformative morning where the ethereal meets the earthly, and the spirit is cleansed in the presence of timeless rituals.

Workshop: Immersive Sound Journey from Illuminating Hearts

Sound is a vibrational language that communicates directly with our electromagnetic body, allowing us to use more of our brain and body then we normally do. The goal of all energy medicine healing modalities, including sound, is to cultivate the conditions within which your body can heal itself.Resonance medicine heals AND it creates alchemy, altering dissonant states of being to harmonious ones. Alchemy is changing the fundamental relationship to yourself and the world. Sound Alchemy is a channeled energy transmission, lifting you in expanded resonance, integrating lost soul parts. Our sound itself acts like an entheogen, bringing you to new states of consciousness. When you use more of your brain and body, you become more intelligent.

Communicating with Plant Wisdom 
Dr Bones (Nadia Ramos) 

Speaking with plants is a practice and learning how to fully integrate their wisdom and tuning into their language. This isa  relationship that has been alive since the beginning of time, it is within our DNA, and this workshop will be an exercise to remember, reawaken and activate this ancient relationship.

Workshop: Connect to your Cosmic Vision

Yanik Silver

Imagine writing the galactic instruction manual you were missing at birth to RE-remember your greatest destiny here on Earth. We've reached a critical stage for humanity and the world. You're needed to step up in an even greater way.

Come ready to open yourself up to the answers you’ve been seeking for this next chapter. Expect magic and synchronicity and come ready to play and with an open mind and heart.

Workshop: Sunshine’s Love Tunnel ☀️ ✨ 💛
Michael Sunshine Graziano

Gaze into the eyes of all your new soul brothers and sisters. Then close your eyes and be guided through a tunnel of angels whispering deep truths, playful reflections, and sweet nothings into your ears. Followed by a big hug from Sunshine at the end of the tunnel

Light It Up: A Sacred Fire Ignition 

Facilitated by Sitora Yusufiy & Naomi Rey Appel

"Step into this potent portal where fire fuels creation. Just as ash nourishes the Earth, flames can ignite our greatest gifts and deepest desires. Join us in sacred ceremony as we connect with the Spirit of Fire through celebrations of creativity, song, dance, and sacred body art. With devotion to Mother Earth, we embrace lives of purpose that foster the collective healing and growth of our planet."


Grounding Movement: Theresa Elwell's 5 Elements Journey 

Join Theresa Elwell for a grounding movement experience that transcends the physical and connects you with the essence of your being. In this session, Theresa guides you through movements designed to root you in the present moment, fostering a sense of stability and connection. Whether you're a seasoned mover or exploring embodiment for the first time, Theresa's expertise creates a space where body and soul dance in harmony. Immerse yourself in the transformative flow of Grounding Movement with Theresa Elwell.

Strengthen Your Will Power
Akil Apollo Davis

This movement meditation class will bring your body into its power and blossom your mind.  The class will open up with a brief discussion on the deeper understandings of Will Power then go right into the steps of a special movement meditation to awaken, strengthen, and easily access the boundless reservoir of Will Power found in every human being. You will be taught transformative tools and methods of practice. Knowledge, both secular, sacred and anecdotal, will be shared for illumination to continue honing and building your will power for life. This class aims to instill a delicious resonance, centered stillness, and a humming flow of power.

Amazonia Siekopai Fireside Talk
Jimmy Siekopai 

The Siekopai are a people of the Amazon Rainforest located in the Northern Ecuadorian region. Join Jimmy, a leader of his community, as he shares with us the story of his communities resilience as they protect the world’s most biodiverse bioregion. He will share about their tribes rich wisdom of medical plants in which they’ve documented over 1000 for healing illness. The talk includes the story of the Siekopai healing center initiative as they pioneer a new bioeconomy based on regeneration and creative coexistence between humanity and nature.

Yoga - From Yang to Yin
Sophia Estrella

Join me in a supportive context where you’ll feel physically aligned and fierce, emotionally held, spiritually devoted to your own intention, and connected to the greater all. My classes are based on Jivamukti Yoga, incorporating a spicy blend of yogic philosophy, mantra chanting, meditation, and asana in an accessible, down-to-earth approach. Classes are open to all levels of practitioners and accompanied by carefully curated music. Whatever happens on the magic carpet of your mat is a powerful reflection of larger life, as you connect with what you find inside."

From Breath to Tantra - The Medicine of Pleasure
Sophia Estrella

We journey through breathwork to let go of what no longer serves and tune into a place of deep love with ourselves.

From there we start connecting in beauty with other beings allowing the subtleties that were invoked to guide you into a journey of connection, intimacy and pleasure. 

You are held in a safe place, suitable for every level