“In this period of rapid change, it is more important than ever that we come together to incubate, activate, and accelerate important social and environmental initiatives.“

A Regenerative Future

We envision a future where humanity can manifest our potential to be sources of health and regeneration for all life on Earth. We are focused on three key fundamental needs:

  • Air

  • Water

  • Food

The event takes place at the Freedom Healing Ranch, dedicated to mental wellness. 

Selection for our 2023 gathering

5 Organizations with an Impact on our Elements

  • is one of our most basic human needs. A human can survive for about three days without water.

  • people lack basic access to clean and safe drinking water.

  • funded serving 17 million people in 29 countries

  • of your donation goes towards clean water projects.

Water: Charity Water

Mission: bring clean and safe water to every person on the planet

Earth: Despri Haiti x CarbonP3

Mission: Building sustainable economies and vibrant communities in Haiti & Dominican Republic through Carbon Funds

  • Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity.

  • planted in Haiti and 175,000 planted in Dominican Republic. Costing only $1/mangrove.

  • emerged to reduce gender violence by 72% and enrolled 52,000 students in innovative programs.

  • We are verifying our mangrove plants via VERRA to unlock regenerative financing to scale outplantations

Fire: No Hungry Children

Mission: to transform the lives of 1 million African children in poverty by feeding them physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually

  • Fire represents qi, energy, fuel, life force. We associate it with one of our other most basic needs: food.

  • people crammed into a one square mile area in the Kibera slum, and Kibera is only 1 of over 100 slum areas in Nairobi, Kenya.

  • children died of starvation this year due to corruption & drought

  • meals provided since 2011.

Air: Global Coralition

Mission: uniting art, science and communities to regenerate marine ecosystems.

  • Our oceans produce over half of the oxygen we breathe and captures 90 percent of the excess heat generated by these emissions.

  • GC builds large-scale underwater sculptures paired with coral farming efforts to catalyze awareness and action in reef regeneration.

  • Partnering with local NGOs, they approach reef regeneration in a holistic way through marine protection, coral farming and mangrove restoration.

  • through education, ecotourism and livelihood opportunities in conservation.

  • Atabey - the Mother of Waters from the Arawak indigenous culture of the Caribbean was deployed into the sea. The area has become marine protected since 2021. We are preparing to build the first land based coral farm in early 2024.

Spirit: Dreamweaver Foundation

Mission: honoring our most cherished generation in their final days

  • Dreamweaver represents the spirit as they serve the elderly before their spirit leaves their body.

  • end of life dreams granted to terminally ill seniors through incredible experiences.

  • GrandsPads provided.

    GrandPad is a simple computer tablets designed for older adults to bring them closer to their loved ones, virtually. Dreamweaver has reach over 200,000 lives nationally.

This year at OR, a generous donor will be matching up to $1 million in funds raised to our 5 impact projects.

Every dollar dedicated to our impact fund is directed to an NGO partner of your choice.

All donations are tax deductible registered under
501(c)(3) organization.

  • 3 mangroves sequesters one metric tonne of carbon. This project employs and empowers local communities in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

  • in schools in Kenya where 260,000 children have died of starvation this year.

  • Regenerating the biodiversity in the ocean, which supports the food and livelihood of coastal communities. This project will be building the first land-based coral farm in the North Coast of the Dominican Republic, which can utilize techniques to grow coral up to 50x faster.

  • to terminally-ill elderly in need

  • providing a community with clean drinking water daily.

  • Our event will be carbon negative by planting mangroves which sequester four to ten times more carbon than terrestrial plants.

Make a donation.

This year at OR, donations will be matched up to $1 million. Join us to raise $200K for each project, creating ripples of positive change in the world.