In 2023, our community raised $1.1 million towards impact.

  • will be planted in Dominican Republic and Haiti, sequestering 200,000 metric tones of carbon and employing local communities.

  • will be built in the Dominican Republic by Global Coralition, dedicated to growing coral up to 50x faster and offering education and ecotourism to the local region.

  • will be granted by Dreamweaver foundation to local terminally ill elders in Nebraska.

  • will be sponsored meals for one year in school in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya.

  • dedicated to clean water initiatives through Charity Water.

  • Our event was carbon negative via planting mangroves which sequester 4-10x more carbon than terrestrial plants.

We are committed to direct, positive change.

Over the last 3 years, our dedicated NGO partners have supported:

  • 500,000

    mangroves and 2.5 million trees planted in Haiti, employing 3500 women leaders and enrolling 52,000 students in innovative programs by Despri Haiti & CarbonP3


  • 9,600

    people receiving access to clean drinking water daily though Charity Water


  • 2

    large-scale underwater sculptures deployed into the sea with coral reef restoration efforts with Global Coralition.


  • 2,158,873

    meals sponsored in schools in Kenya with No Hungry Children .


  • 404

    end of life dreams granted for terminally ill elderly in need, impacting 200,000 lives.